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With the help of Religions for Peace Australia, here are some examples of interviewees answering the following questionnaire about their faith


1. What is your religion?

2. What is your religious denomination?

3. What do you believe about your deity?

4. Does religion play an important role in your life?

5. Do you believe in an afterlife? If so, what do you think happens and does everyone go to heaven?

6. What do you want others to know about your religion?

7. What is the most fundamental part of your religion?

8. Are there any religious rituals you take part in?

Interview 1

Interview 2

1. Muslim

2. Shia Muslim

3. I believe and worship one God who is the most gracious, merciful and compassionate

4. Islam is referred to as "Deen", a complete way of life not just a "religion". Personally, Islam isn't just about praying, fasting, e.t.c. It's more about our moral conduct, the education we seek, our worldy actions, attitude and so on.

5. Yes, I believe in an afterlife or the day of judgement, people will be raised from their graves and brought before God and will be judged on how they lived their earthly lives. Those who have more good deeds compared to bad deeds will go to heaven and the people with more bad deeds will go to hell. However, God is forgiving and compassionate, so he will forgive those who have repented for their sins and have done good and kindness in their life.

6. I believe religious studies are very important for having opportunity to understand each other's religion and respect one and other's beliefs. I encourage everyone to study and get to know other religions and Islam as well.

7. The following are the most fundamental parts of Islam:

Tawhid (one God)

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messanger

Daily five times prayers

Paying charity to benefit the less fortunate

Fasting during Ramadan

Tax to benefit the poor and needy

8. I pray five times a day



1. I am an atheist

2. I don't have any religious belief. I believe in humans behaving well according to values of truth, right conduct, love, peace and non-violence

3. I don't have any suffering or problems about not having a deity

4. Religion is a prop for those who need to be lied to. Religion does not tell the truth, religion has power over people and their minds.

5. At death, what you are thinking about at the moment of death determines where you go. For the unconscious they may go to their personal avatar, or to the void or they reincarnate straight away back to family and friends

6. Religious truths have to be practiced and their validity experienced. Else, you are simply going along with what someone else has told you or what you have read from a book. Believing in the Bible is a form of idolatry, look it up: Bibliolatria

7. The most fundamental part of my life is living by the Golden Rule: do unto others what you would have them do unto yourself. 

8. I meditate to empty my mind out and achieve stillness- every morning

Click here for the other interviews


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