How does religion affect society
Religious ethics have dramatically affected society. Laws that have been passed through all of history have often taken moral inspiration from the morals and ethics of religious texts, e.g., Shariah Law which is Islamic law based from the Quran and the Hadith, or Christian Canon Law. Various political concepts have been derived from religion to either unite or divide people, such as the Caste system which divides Hindus into rigid hierarchal groups based on their socioeconomic and religious standing.
There are many benefits to being religious, considering the social connections and community support that often comes with it.
Studies have shown that religious attendance of at least once per week adds an extra seven years of life expectancy. Religious participation in children has also been proven to better school attendance, increases probability of graduating high school and less juvenile delinquency.
Religious belief can also greatly improve both your mental and physical health. In the Journal of Clinical Psychology in 2010, it was found that depressed patients who believed in a loving God had a more effective response to psychiatric treatment. The reasoning behind this response was “tied specifically to the belief that a supreme being cared”, according to researcher Patricia Murphy of Rush University. Religion is also linked to greater general health as individuals involved in religious communities have more social support and healthier coping mechanisms. A 1998 study at the University of California, Los Angeles discovered that regular churchgoers are more likely to get preventative care.
Although religion can be a positive to society, most of the countries with a greater percentage of people who regard religion as important in their lives are also the least peaceful. These findings can be attributed to the fact that most people in developing countries are lacking many essentials such as safety or health which lead to a happy life, and religion provides a sense of comfort and security in dire times, with the belief that there may be a higher purpose to their suffering and that it is all “part of god’s plan”. Many conflicts around the world have been inspired by religion.